Privacy Policy

Voice of the People

Privacy and Data Protection Policy and Notice

Last Revised: September 13, 2023


Voice of the People (“Voice of the People”, “we”, “our” and their affiliates) respects the privacy of its fellow members, advisors, delegates, partners and any others of whom it may collect information, as well as its website visitors, and is committed to protecting the personal information you may share with us (these and any others with respect to whom we collect personal data, shall collectively be referred to as “member” or “you” or “Data Subjects”).

Voice of the People seeks to act as a global collaborative forum (council) , nonpartisan and apolitical in nature, and reflect the full and diverse range of Jewish voices with the goal to develop a platform to facilitate dialogue between diverse Jewish future leaders around current challenges while setting constructive, tangible, and actionable parameters for the dialogue’s outcome. The activity of the Council will lead to the creation and development of initiatives around the world. (the “Activities”). 

This policy and notice (the “Privacy Policy”) explains the types of information we collect from you, that we receive about you or that you may provide in the course of your interest or participation in our Activities, conferences or when you visit our website. We are transparent about our practices regarding the information we collect, use, maintain and process and describe our practices in this policy and notice. Please read the following carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

For the purposes of EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) and other applicable privacy laws, Voice of the People is a data controller (a “Controller”) in relation to the personal data of our members, participants in the Activities, employees, candidates, vendors, partners and website visitors. Likewise, Voice of the People is a Business (as defined under the CCPA (as defined below)) regarding such data. Please note that we maintain a separate privacy policy concerning our processing of personal data of our employees.




Summary: we collect various categories of personal data in order to meet our contractual obligations, perform tasks carried out in the public interest, and also to meet various legitimate interests, such as marketing. 

We collect data about you in connection with your transactions with us, your involvement in our Activities and in conventions or in processing data for our members. We also collect data about our employees and website visitors. One type of data collected is non-identifiable and anonymous information (“non-personal data”). We also collect several categories of personal data (“Personal Data”), as described below.

Personal Data which is being gathered consists of any details which are personally identifiable and which are provided consciously and voluntarily by you, or by an organization you represent or are associated with or through your use of our websites (as described below), by email, or other ways in which you communicate and interact with us. Additionally, such information may be included in references about you submitted by others in the form of a recommendation for you to become involved in our Activities. This generally includes your name (first and last), email address, phone number, postal address, current and past positions and organizations, affiliations, opinions, and other information you may choose to provide directly to us. We also collect data which is publicly available on public online platforms, websites and databases. Additionally, we may obtain location data related to the geographic location of your laptop, mobile device or other digital device on which the Voice of the People website is used.  

You do not have any legal obligation to provide any information to Voice of the People, however, we require certain information in order to perform contracts, or to enable and operate our Activities. If you choose not to provide us with certain information, then we may not be able to provide you or your organization with some or all of the Activities. 

By contacting us or submitting requests for information or support via the websites, email etc., Voice of the People will collect details, including also your name, phone number and personal or company email you provided, country and any other information provided by you. Voice of the People uses this information to offer our Activities and support.

When you apply for an employment position or membership at Voice of the People, you provide us with Personal Data, such as your name, contact information, any personal information contained in your resume or CV, your response(s) to any assessment(s), background check results (subject to applicable laws) and any other personal information that you decide to provide us with. Please note that though, in most cases, we receive this information directly from you or record such information in interview records with you, we may also receive information from recruitment companies, references or background check companies. This information is necessary for our recruitment and hiring purposes. If you do not provide us with this information, we will be unable to assess you as a candidate and advance your recruitment process.




Summary: we collect Personal Data when you or your organization send it to us, or when a vendor, distributor or other business partner, sends it to us; we collect Personal Data through our website and Activities, and through our interactions with you. 

We collect Personal Data required to provide our Activities when you register interest or when you provide us such information in meetings or conferences, by entering it manually or automatically, or through your use of our facilities and Activities, or in connection with site visits, in the course of preparing a contract, subscribing to the products that are managed by Voice of the People or otherwise in engaging with us. We also collect Personal Data when you call us for support, in which case we collect the information you provide us. We also collect data from public sources, such as social network sites.

We also collect Personal Data through your use of our websites. In other words, when you are using the websites, we are aware of it and may gather, collect and record the information relating to such usage, either independently or through the help of third-party services as detailed below. This includes technical information and behavioral information such as the user’s Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the Internet, your uniform resource locators (URL), operating system, type of browser, browser plug-in types and versions, screen resolution, Flash version, time zone setting, the user’s ‘clickstream’ on the websites, the period of time the user visited the websites, methods used to browse away from a page, and any phone number used to call our members service number. We likewise may place cookies on your browsing devices (see Section 8 (Website Data Collection and Cookies) below).




Summary: we process Personal Data to meet our obligations, protect our rights, and manage our Activities. 

We will use Personal Data to provide and improve our Activities, operate our website and meet our contractual, ethical and legal obligations. We will strive to keep all Personal Data accurate complete and relevant for the stated purposes for which it was processed, including for example:

Processing which is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract:

  • carrying out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and Voice of the People and/or any contracts entered into with Voice of the People and to provide you with the information, support and services that you request from us;
  • verifying and carrying out financial transactions in relation to payments you or we make in connection with our Activities.

Processing which is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Voice of the People or by a third party of providing an efficient and wide-ranging service to members:

  • notifying you about changes to our Activities and our website;
  • establishing a business relationship with you;
  • answering queries sent by you and contacting you upon your request;
  • contacting you to give you commercial and marketing information which may be of interest to you (subject to your consent for such communications when required under applicable laws) about events or promotions or additional services offered by us which may be of interest to you, including in other locations; 
  • soliciting feedback in connection with our Activities;
  • assessing employment candidates;
  • sending you announcements in relation to security, privacy or administrative-related communications (these communications are not marketing oriented and we do not rely upon consent so you may not opt out);
  • tracking use of Voice of the People facilities, our website and our Activities to enable us to optimize them.

Processing which is based upon your consent (when required pursuant to applicable laws):

  • processing which involves the use of cookies and other tracking technologies for purposes which are not purely operational, such as for marketing and analytics purposes (for more information, see Section 8 (Website Data Collection and Cookies) below).

Processing which is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which Voice of the People is subject:

  • compliance and audit purposes, such as meeting our reporting obligations in our various jurisdictions, anti money laundering, tax related obligations, and for crime prevention and prosecution in so far as it relates to our staff, members, service providers, facilities etc; 
  • if necessary, we will use Personal Data to enforce our terms, policies and legal agreements, to comply with court orders and warrants and assist law enforcement agencies as required by law, to collect debts, to prevent fraud, infringements, identity thefts and any other service misuse, and to take any action in any legal dispute and proceeding;
  • for security purposes and to identify and authenticate your access to events, conferences etc.

Personal Data which you provide us may be combined with information which may be provided by other sources, all of which will be used for the purposes set out above.




Summary: we share Personal Data with our service providers, partners, related organizations and affiliates, and authorities where required.

We transfer Personal Data to:

Related organizations, subsidiaries and affiliates: This includes any member of our group, which means our parent companies, as well as our joint-venture partners who support our processing of Personal Data under this Privacy Policy. It also includes affiliates or other partners through which we provide the Activities. For example:

  • The Jewish Agency for Israel
  • The World Zionist Organization
  • Israel’s Office of the President

Third Parties: We transfer Personal Data to third parties in a variety of circumstances. We endeavor to ensure that these third parties use your information only to the extent necessary to perform their functions, and to have a contract in place with them to govern their processing on our behalf. These third parties include business partners, suppliers, affiliates, agents and/or sub-contractors for the performance of any contract we enter into with you. They assist us in providing the Activities, processing transactions, fulfilling requests for information, receiving and sending communications, analyzing data, providing IT and other support services or in other tasks, from time to time. These third parties may also include analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimization of our websites, and our marketing.

We periodically add and remove third party providers. At present services provided by third-party providers to whom we transfer Personal Data include also the following:

  • Website analytics;
  • Document management and sharing services;
  • Member ticketing and support;
  • On-site and cloud-based database services;
  • CRM software;
  • Data security, data backup, and data access control systems; 
  • Traveling services and insurance companies
  • Event management and survey companies
  • Social media platforms (e.g Facebook, Instagram etc.)  
  • Our lawyers, accountants, and other standard business software and partners. 

In addition, we will disclose your Personal Data to third parties if we are under a duty to disclose or share your Personal Data in order to comply with any legal or audit or compliance obligation, in the course of any legal or regulatory proceeding or investigation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms and other agreements with you or with a third party; or to assert or protect the rights, property, or safety of Voice of the People, our members, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction and to prevent cybercrime.

For avoidance of doubt, Voice of the People may transfer and disclose non-Personal Data to third parties at its own discretion.




Summary: we store your Personal Data across multiple locations globally

We store your Personal Data on servers owned or controlled by Voice of the People, or processed by third parties on behalf of Voice of the People, by reputable cloud-service providers (see the following section regarding international transfers). 




Summary: we transfer Personal Data within and to the EEA, USA, Israel and elsewhere, with appropriate safeguards in place. 

Personal Data may be transferred to, and stored and used at, a destination outside your location, including outside the European Economic Area (EEA), that may not be subject to equivalent data protection laws to those of your location. Where your information is transferred outside your location, we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your information is subject to appropriate safeguards, and that it is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.  We transfer data from its various locations and jurisdictions to other jurisdictions as follows:

– To Israel. Voice of the People is based in Israel. Israel is considered by the European Commission to offer an adequate level of protection for the personal data of EU Member State residents;
– To the United States of America; where we transfer personal data of European persons to the USA, we will do so pursuant to one of the bases described in EU data protection laws, such as standard contractual clauses etc.
– Within the EU.

We may transfer your personal data outside your location, in order to:

– Store or backup the information;
– Enable us to provide you with the Activities and fulfill our contract with you;
– Fulfill any legal, audit or compliance obligations which require us to make that transfer;
– Facilitate the operation of our organization, where it is in our legitimate interests and we have concluded these are not overridden by your rights;
– To offer our Activities across multiple jurisdictions; and
– To operate our organization, subsidiaries and affiliates in an efficient and optimal manner.




Summary: we retain Personal Data according to our data retention policy, as required to meet our obligations, protect our rights, and manage our activities. 

Voice of the People will retain Personal Data it processes only for as long as required in our view, to operate the Activities and as necessary to comply with our legal and other obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce agreements. We will also retain Personal Data to meet any audit, compliance and business best-practices. 

Personal Data that is no longer retained will be anonymized or deleted. Likewise, some metadata and statistical information concerning the use of our Activities are not subject to the deletion procedures in this policy and will be retained by Voice of the People. We will not be able to identify you from this data. Some data may also be retained on our third-party service providers’ servers until deleted in accordance with their privacy policy and their retention policy, and in our backups until overwritten.




Summary: with your consent, we place cookies on your device. You control our use of cookies through a cookie management tool on our websites, or through your device and browser.

Voice of the People uses cookies, pixel tags and other forms of identification and local storage (together referred to as “tags/files” hereunder) to distinguish you from other users of the website and of websites of our network. This helps us to provide you with a good user-experience when you browse the website and websites of our network and also allows us to improve our website, Activities and promote our marketing efforts.

In many cases, these tags/files lead to the use of your device’s processing or storage capabilities. Some of these tags/files are set by Voice of the People itself, others by third parties; some only last as long as your browser session, while others can stay active on your device for a longer period of time.

These tags/files can fall into several categories: (i) those that are necessary for functionality or Activity that you request or for the transmission of communications (functionality tags/files); (ii) those that we use to carry out website performance and audience metrics (analytics tags/files) and (iii) the rest (tracking across a network of other websites, advertising, etc.) (other tags/files).

Internet browsers allow you to change your cookie settings, for example to block certain kinds of cookies or files. You can therefore block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies, you may not be able to access all or parts of the website, due to the fact that some may be functionality cookies. For further information about deleting or blocking cookies, please visit:

Functionality and analytical tags/files/cookies do not require your consent. For other tags/files/cookies, however, depending on your jurisdiction and applicable laws, we request your consent before placing them on your device. You can allow cookies in your browser settings and using our website cookie management too.

To consult the list of cookies which we use on our website, please check your browser’s settings. Instructions:




Summary: we take data security very seriously, invest in security systems, and train our staff. In the event of a breach, we will notify the right people as required by law. 

We take great care in implementing, enforcing and maintaining the security of the Personal Data we process. Voice of the People implements, enforces and maintains security measures, technologies and policies to prevent the unauthorized or accidental access to or destruction, loss, modification, use or disclosure of Personal Data. We likewise take steps to monitor compliance of such policies on an ongoing basis. Where we deem it necessary in light of the nature of the data in question and the risks to data subjects, we encrypt data. Likewise, we take industry standard steps to ensure our websites and Activities are safe.

Please note, however, that no data security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, leaks, viruses and other data security breaches will never occur. 

Within Voice of the People, we endeavor to limit access to Personal Data to those of our personnel who: (i) require access in order for Voice of the People to fulfil its obligations, including also under its agreements, and as described in this Privacy Policy; (ii) have been appropriately and periodically trained with respect to the requirements applicable to the processing, care and handling of the Personal Data; and (iii) are under confidentiality obligations as may be required under applicable law. 

Voice of the People shall act in accordance with its policies and with applicable law to promptly notify the relevant authorities and data subjects in the event that any Personal Data processed by Voice of the People is lost, stolen, or where there has been any unauthorized access to it, all in accordance with applicable law and on the instructions of qualified authority. Voice of the People shall promptly take reasonable remedial measures.




Summary: depending on the law that applies to your Personal Data, you may have various data subject rights, such as rights to access, erase, and correct Personal Data, and information rights. We will respect any lawful request to exercise those rights. 

Data Subjects in certain jurisdictions, such as in the EU and the UK have rights granted pursuant to local laws under certain circumstances and with certain exceptions, including:

  • Access – the right to receive confirmation whether your Personal Data is being processed by us, what types of Personal Data, for what purposes, with whom is it or will it be shared (if at all) and for how long will it be stored.
  • Rectification – the right to correct your Personal Data held by us that may be inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Erasure – the right to have your Personal Data held by us deleted.
  • Restriction of Processing – the right to require us to cease processing your Personal Data.
  • Portability – the right to receive a copy of any of your Personal Data held by us in a convenient format and to have any of your Personal Data held by us transferred to a third party.
  • Objection – the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us.
  • Objection to Direct Marketing – the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling – this can be achieved by opting out using the unsubscribe/opt-out feature displayed in our communications with you.
  • Objection to Automated Decision-Making – the right to refuse to have your Personal Data processed in connection with automated decision-making. 
  • Withdrawal of Consent – where we rely upon your consent in order to process your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time.

In order to exercise any of your rights as a Data Subject regarding data we process as a Controller, you can contact our Data Protection team at We will respond to requests to exercise a Data Subject’s rights without undue delay as required by applicable law. Please note that Voice of the People may have to undertake a process to identify a Data Subject prior to facilitating the exercise of such Data Subject’s right(s). Voice of the People may keep details of right(s) exercised for our own compliance and audit requirements. Furthermore, please note that Personal Data provided to us may be either deleted or retained in an aggregated manner without being linked to any personal identifiers depending on technical and commercial capabilities. Such data may continue to be used by Voice of the People.

Please note that these rights only apply under certain circumstances and may be limited by law, as well as be subject to exceptions. For example, where accepting your request to exercise a right would adversely affect other individuals, expose our trade secrets or intellectual property, where there are overriding public interests, or where we are required by law to retain your Personal Data. In addition, Data Subjects’ rights cannot be exercised in a manner inconsistent with the rights of Voice of the People employees and staff or third-party rights. As such, job references, reviews, internal notes and assessments, documents and notes, including proprietary information or forms of intellectual property, cannot be accessed, erased or rectified by Data Subjects. In addition, these rights may not be exercisable where they relate to data that is not in a structured form, such as emails, or where other exceptions apply.

Data subjects in the EU, the UK and other jurisdictions have the right to lodge a complaint with a local data protection supervisory authority. If the supervisory authority fails to respond to such a complaint, such Data Subjects may have the right to an effective judicial remedy.




Summary: we do not sell the personal information we collect. We share limited website user data for advertising purposes. California and other US state consumers have certain rights in relation to their personal information. They can exercise those rights by contacting us.  

This section provides additional details about the personal information we collect about consumers in California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah and other applicable US states and the rights afforded to them under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (together, the “CCPA”), the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (the “VCDPA”), the Colorado Privacy Act (the “CPA”), the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (the “CTDPA”), the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (the “UCPA”) and other applicable laws.

For details about the personal information we have collected as a business over the last 12 months, please see Section 1 (Which Information May We Collect?) above. We collect this information for the business and commercial purposes described in see Section 2 (How Do We Collect Personal Data of Yours on Voice of the People Facilities and Activities?) above. We share this information with the categories of third parties described in Section 4 (Sharing Data with Third Parties) above. We do not sell (as such term is defined in the CCPA or other US state privacy laws) the personal information we collect (and will not sell it without providing a right to opt out). Except as set forth herein, we do not process Sensitive Personal Information (as such term is defined in the CCPA or other US privacy state laws) as a Business (as defined in the CCPA).

Please note that we do share information with third parties for the purpose of cross-context behavioral advertising (as defined in the CCPA) or targeted advertising (as defined in other applicable US state laws), and use third-party cookies for such purposes as further described in our Cookie Page. If you are a resident of California, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, Connecticut and other applicable jurisdictions, you may opt out of the sharing of your data for such purposes by clicking “Reject All” on the “Cookie Setting” of our cookie banner, or by clicking the “Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information” link on the banner of this site. We do not knowingly or willingly share data of users under 16 years of age.   

Subject to certain limitations, the CCPA and other applicable US state laws provide consumers the right to request to know more details about the categories or specific pieces of personal information we collect (including how we use and disclose this information), to access their  information in a portable format, to correct or delete their personal information, to opt out of any “sales, cross-contextual behavioral advertising or targeted advertising” that may be occurring, and to not be discriminated against for exercising these rights. To make such requests, please send an email to Government identification may be required. Consumers can also designate an authorized agent to exercise these rights on their behalf.




Do Not Track Signals. Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers in order to inform websites that they do not wish to be tracked. We do not respond to or honor DNT signals.

Children Under 16. We do not knowingly collect or solicit information or data from or about children under the age of 16 or knowingly allow children under the age of 16 to register for our Activities. If you are under the age of 16, do not register or attempt to register for any of our Activities or send any information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected or have been sent Personal Data from a child under the age of 16, we will delete that Personal Data as soon as reasonably practicable without any liability to Voice of the People. If you believe that we might have collected or been sent information from a minor under the age of 16, please send an email immediately to

Changes to this Privacy Policy. The terms of this Privacy Policy will govern the use of the Activities, websites, and any information collected in connection with them. Voice of the People may amend or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version of this Privacy Policy will be available at: Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” date above and your continued use of our Activities will constitute your active acceptance of the changes to and terms of the Privacy Policy.

Contact Us. Voice of the People aims to process only adequate, accurate and relevant data limited to the needs and purposes for which it is gathered. It also aims to store data for the time period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data is gathered. Voice of the People only collects data in connection with a specific lawful purpose and only processes data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Our policies and practices are constantly evolving and improving, and we invite any suggestions for improvements, questions, complaints or comments concerning this Privacy Policy. You are welcome to contact us (details below) and we will make an effort to reply within a reasonable timeframe.

Voice of the People’s Data Protection team may be contacted at: please send an email to

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